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Secure Code

With networks becoming more secure, vulnerabilities in web applications are inevitably attracting the attention of attackers. These hackers have devised techniques to exploit loopholes in your web apps, resulting in an exceed in attacks on the web application layer. In order to mitigate these risks of attacks, it is vital that applications are built securely and regularly validated through penetration testing. Secure Code Review services is one of the most important activity with regards to securing applications, It should be performed in a perfect blend of Automatic and Manual reviews, as some errors identified by automatic review could be falsely positive in manual review.


Our secure code review services or methodology adheres to recognized and well-respected industry frameworks, including Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), NIST, etc. This secure code review services is a combination of human effort and technology support, which consists of going through the codebase and locating constructs that lead to vulnerabilities. We offer “baking in” security from the start of the development process, rather than trying to “brush it on” at the end. This helps you create secure applications that can withstand attacks.

Methodology Secure Code
Methodology Secure Code img
Common vulnerabilities

Common vulnerabilities we discovered in the past:

  • Injections
  • Memory Flaws
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • Remote Code Executions
  • Insecure Direct Object Reference (mostly in APIs)
  • Broken Access Control
  • Business Logic Flaws
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